The Future of AI-Generated Content: Quality, Risks, and Recommendations

Omar Santos
3 min readSep 25, 2023

A lot of content is currently created by artificial intelligence (AI). The multimodal nature of modern AI models is helping accelerate content creation (text, audio, and video). AI algorithms now write news articles, images, compose music, video clips, and even all of it at once. While AI models introduce efficiency and scalability, the quality of the content it produces remains a concern. Even more troubling is the possibility of poor-quality or incorrect content re-entering the training data of future AI models, creating a problematic feedback loop.

The Feedback Loop Dilemma

AI models learn from the data they are trained on. When poor-quality, inaccurate, or biased content is generated by an AI model, there’s a risk that this content could be incorporated back into the model’s training data.

Datasets from Incorrect AI-Generated Data: The Feedback Loop Dilemma

This creates a dangerous feedback loop where the AI continually reinforces and even amplifies these issues over time. As a result, not only is the quality and accuracy of the content compromised, but so is the integrity of subsequent AI models.

Why Implementing Rigorous Quality Control Measures is Important

To break the feedback loop, the first step is to implement rigorous quality control mechanisms. These could include human oversight for content approval, peer reviews, and automated fact-checking systems integrated within the AI model. Quality assurance protocols can help identify errors before they propagate.

Certain verification methods are can be compatible with advanced technology. For instance, last year researchers at Drexel University published a technique for identifying counterfeit and altered videos. They are using forensic analysis concepts with deep learning algorithms.

However, the process of fact-checking is rarely that simple. A statement could be factually correct yet presented in a way that misleads the audience. Many key considerations are often overlooked when new AI models are assessed against standard datasets that simply label posts as either true or false.

As of now, researchers focused on advancing AI for fact-checking evaluate their models’ precision down to the hundredth of a percentage point using these benchmark datasets that include social media posts and articles.

Diversify Training Data

Training data should be diverse and representative of multiple perspectives. This minimizes the chances of the AI model inheriting biases or inaccuracies from the content it has generated. Incorporating different types of content and sources can help ensure that the model learns from a balanced dataset.

Open Peer Review of AI Models

A transparent and open peer-review process for AI algorithms can be instrumental in maintaining content integrity. This will allow “AI experts” to evaluate the model’s methodology, training data, and results, thus providing credibility and reliability to the AI-generated content.

Periodic Re-training of Models and User Feedback Mechanism

It’s essential to update AI models periodically to reflect changes in information, societal norms, or technological advancements. Continuous learning can prevent the model from becoming obsolete and propagating outdated or false information.

You should allow end-users to report errors or misleading content. This feedback can be integrated into the quality control process and used for the subsequent training of the AI model. This feedback mechanism has been incorporated by OpenAI, Google, and other AI leaders in the industry.

What else should be implemented to prevent these issues?



Focused on cybersecurity, AI security, vulnerability research, & disclosure. Co-lead of the DEF CON Red Team Village. Author of over 25 books.